月を見ていた / Tsuki Wo Miteita / Moongazing Lyrics
Kenshi Yonezu (米津玄師)
Single | 月を見ていた / Tsuki Wo Miteita / Moongazing |
Lyricist | Kenshi Yonezu |
Composer | Kenshi Yonezu |
Released date | 2023.06.26 |
Language: | 日本語/ Japanese |
Kenshi Yonezu Tsuki Wo Miteita ROMAJI
tsukiakari yanagi ga yureru watashi wa robō no reki
omoihaseru anata no sugata hitsuji o kazoeru yō ni
wakareyuku imi ga arunara semete kanashimanaide
chinmoku kara hanareta sora e hitosuji no ai o komete
donna yoru da tte ushinaitsuzuketa tte
tomo ni ikite kitarō shibatataku yō ni
nan ka o motomete tsuki o mite ita
arashi ni obieru watashi no mae ni
arawareta no ga anata de yokatta
marude nan mo ka mo ga nakatta ka no yō ni
kono hi wa kie tari shinai kitto
sono mado o kaze ga tatake ba wazuka ni akehanashite
tada hito-tsu sō tada hito-tsu katarienu koe de sakebu
umarekawatta to shite omoidasenaku tatte
mitsukete miserudarō anata no sugata
subete o moyashite tsuki o mite ita
dare ka ga sore o awaremu to shite mo
anata ga ire ba shiawase datta n da
oyoso tadashiku nado nakatta to shite mo
kie tari shinai
namae o yonde mō ichi do dake
yasashiku tsutsumu sono yawai koe de
tsuki o tayori ni tsukanda eda ga anata datta
nan ka o motomete tsuki o mite ita
arashi ni obieru watashi no mae ni
arawareta no ga anata de yokatta
marude nan mo ka mo ga nakatta ka no yō ni
kono hi wa kie tari shinai kitto
Kenshi Yonezu Tsuki Wo Miteita Japanese Kanji
月明かり柳が揺れる わたしは路傍の礫
思い馳せるあなたの姿 羊を数えるように
別れゆく意味があるなら せめて悲しまないで
沈黙から離れた空へ 一筋の愛を込めて
どんな夜だって 失い続けたって
共に生きてきたろう 瞬くように
この火は消えたりしない きっと
その窓を風が叩けば 僅かに開け放して
ただひとつ そうただひとつ 語り得ぬ声で叫ぶ
生まれ変わったとして 思い出せなくたって
見つけてみせるだろう あなたの姿
名前を呼んで もう一度だけ
月を頼りに掴んだ枝が あなただった
この火は消えたりしない きっと
Kenshi Yonezu Moongazing English Translation
In the moonlight the willow sways
On this roadside I am but a stone
Visions of you come to me
Like counting sheep
If there is any meaning to our parting ways
Then you need not be sad
From the silence to a distant sky
Fill your heart with an unwavering love
No matter what night
No matter the cost
Haven’t we been living this life together
As if in the blink of an eye
I was yearning for something Gazing at the moon
I was so afraid of the storm, when you appeared before me
And I’m so glad that it was you
It’s as if nothing before this moment ever mattered
This flame will never go out
If the wind knocks on your window
Leave it ever so slightly ajar
There’s only, yes, there’s only one
An unutterable voice screaming out
Were we to be reborn
Unable to remember
Somehow I know I’d still find you
I was burning everything Gazing at the moon
Even though I might have been pitied for it
I was happy as long as you were there
Even though we might have been wrong about so much
We will never disappear
Call my name Just one more time
With that soft voice which envelops me so gently
Guided by the moonlight, I seized a branch
And that branch was you
It was you
I was yearning for something Gazing at the moon
I was so afraid of the storm, when you appeared before me
And I’m so glad that it was you
It’s as if nothing before this moment ever mattered
This flame will never go out